This site is set up for sharing computing resources in Aboriginal Languages. All resources are created by language speakers and made to share on the web. This site was set up to assist in sharing teaching material between languages in Sydney. In particular resources can be translated to different languages so provide more activities for students.
In additions, the site aims to support the development of computing resources which will enhance language learning and link language learning to IT and computing in Sydney.
Our work is linked with language speakers around Australia, in particular Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative at Nambucca Heads, as well as local Dharug speakers in Sydney
We also recommend the language teaching network blog set up on a blog site by Mari Rhydwen
the new Gamilaraay Yuwaalaraay material listed here
Language reclamation projects are coordinated by the Federation of Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Languages Culture (Corporation)
Also see the NSW Department of Education curriculum units work in promoting Quality Teaching